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LGBT Pavee Support Group

A forum for LGBTQ members of the Irish Travelling and Roma Community, those that support there right of expression and wish to construct a way to mediate between the community, culture and sexual identity.Feel free to chat, commune, seek and give advice.
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 anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future

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Age : 39
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anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future Empty
PostSubject: anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future   anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future EmptyWed Feb 17, 2010 7:39 pm

just wondering if anyone here is intersted in doing college.

im on an access course at the min , this year i start arts and human rights..

if anyone wishes to get a degree but feels that their qualifications up to now are not enough to get to college let me know.

new applicants are sought for college access programmes,,i can assure you that your more than welcome on the course,,

places are extremely limited but being a traveller helps,,a word on your behalf goes a long way too..

300 applied for the course im in this year,,40 places available,,next year will rise in applicants..

think about it.,,we cant change public policy or social morals while standing in dole ques forever.

travellers are intelects and creatives,,,use it...get educated....

let me know or just go to a me and ill give you a link or any info you want on it..

and age is not a prob for access...

only a doubt in yourself prohibits your own success,,


mb bounce
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Hanu Fein
Hanu Fein

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anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future   anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future EmptyWed Feb 17, 2010 9:42 pm

As a side note:

The Irish Travellers Movement is currently establishing a peer support group for Travellers who are in third level education.

The idea is to create an informal network where Travellers can meet each other to share common and individual experiences. It will be Traveller-led and will have a social element to it.

Further information may be obtained from Ms Paula Madden of the Irish Traveller Movement.

tel. 0872410258 / 01 6796577

Hanu Fein
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anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future   anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future EmptyWed Feb 17, 2010 9:52 pm

is there any financial assistance given by the itm...
or,,are there any known funds specific to travellers and further ed..this is something im not aware of,,maybe you can enlighten big brother hhe
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Hanu Fein
Hanu Fein

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anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future   anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future EmptyWed Feb 17, 2010 10:12 pm

Seeing as ITM were effected by recent cut backs it's unlikely they will be giving financial assistance to Travellers in Third Level, but there support group does help with pressures etc it might be best to contact them to make sure.

In recent years they has being a reduction/zoning out of all funds specifically for Travellers third level education. This was done in the policy spirit of not paying people to become educated, however moral and practical support is provided with special considerations in order to facilitate Travellers in educational progression. Among two is that Travellers are now on the Target group listings for all returning to education initiatives and some courses allocate several positions for Travellers, who otherwise pass all other requirements, if they wish to avail of them.

In 2007 all self identified Travellers in the Irish third level system were either employed, and thus not eligible for any further grants or availing of financial support from the department of social affairs. Local County Councils at times provide grants to individuals whom have being socially or personally challenges but recent changes have ensured that people (unless very lucky!) will not be dual funded for educational progression.

If your finding the financial situation a bit tough it might help to contact your student liaison officer or main lecturer for guidance on the matter – they would be far more up to date then I would.

Best of luck with it all!

Hanu Fein
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A Wandering Minstrel
A Wandering Minstrel

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anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future   anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future EmptyFri Feb 19, 2010 3:53 am

Education is hugely important in Travellers' progression. Finances are a practical consideration. The County Councils or VEC have grants available for those on low incomes/ social welfare payments. The course must be full time to be eligible. There are of course many terms and conditions.

The student counsellors or student welfare in a college may have additional funds available (or did so a year ago) for people who can make a case for need. I am aware of a student who was given money to pay for his bus for the year. It was costing about €8 each way.

A Traveller specific financial incentive would help Travellers make the decision to go to college and remain on there. It is powerful for young Travellers going through school to see other Travellers succeed in college.

Aboriginal people in Australia have had an extra financial incentive to stay on in education for a while now - Abstudy. I'm not sure of the statistics but I imagine it's helped raise the level of education in Aboriginal communities. This helps in the health of any community.

It is harder to manage at third level if there is no family history. I was very lucky to have a grandparent, parents, siblings, nieces, nephews who'd all gone to third level. Mum went back to college when she was 50, after having 12 children, so I knew I could go at any age. (Can you tell I'm a settled person?!)

Education is a right in Ireland (and an obligation from 6-16). The system has let Travellers down enormously. When you consider the amount of money thrown at Traveller education the outcomes are extremely poor.

Until we see participation in the education system translate in to employment though it will be hard to encourage young Travellers to continue in the system. We have to keep up the good fight though as education is the key.
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anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future   anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future EmptySun Feb 28, 2010 10:51 am

is it covered by the back 2 ed programme? as its only part tim? what would be suitible refrences. thanks
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anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future   anyone interested in getting further education to become powerful examples to young gay travellers of the future EmptySun Feb 28, 2010 3:47 pm

the course itself is not covered byt the back to education allowance as it is not full time,your correct in that midlands.
however, it is from mid september untill end of april. a few short months. then when apllying the following september for first year college you will get the b.t.e.a if you are entitled to it, anyone on any social welfare aloowance is entitled to it, the government also give you 500 euro for costs of books. the student assistant fun is also available in january, but you need to retain all receipts from september until jan. i think the fund comes to the total of 1200, but thats not certain as cut backs are affecting that too. whole on the btea you can work 20 hours without it affecting payment, ie renta allowance and btea income. ,,the only problem is finding somewhere that will employ in a recession., i know this is my main obsticle..but the degree at the end is worth all the student associated poverty lol...
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