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LGBT Pavee Support Group

A forum for LGBTQ members of the Irish Travelling and Roma Community, those that support there right of expression and wish to construct a way to mediate between the community, culture and sexual identity.Feel free to chat, commune, seek and give advice.
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 Gerry ryan has died... young?

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Posts : 47
Join date : 2009-10-23

Gerry ryan has died... young? Empty
PostSubject: Gerry ryan has died... young?   Gerry ryan has died... young? EmptyFri Apr 30, 2010 1:27 pm

Just heard of gerry ryans death earlier. A lot of the people I know have said he died really young and its such a shock for a man of his age to die. Thing is that got me thinking as I know a lot of travellers who have died young and its a very common thing in our community so much so its not really seen as young any more. Why do you think so? Ever have a a general heath check up... think you should?
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Posts : 14
Join date : 2010-05-04

Gerry ryan has died... young? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerry ryan has died... young?   Gerry ryan has died... young? EmptyMon May 31, 2010 11:03 am

I felt his death really put things in an interesting perspective for us. deaths of that age and younger are quite common among travellers so a general check up periodicly would be a very good thing.
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Gerry ryan has died... young?
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