LGBT Pavee Support Group
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LGBT Pavee Support Group

A forum for LGBTQ members of the Irish Travelling and Roma Community, those that support there right of expression and wish to construct a way to mediate between the community, culture and sexual identity.Feel free to chat, commune, seek and give advice.
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 older travellers

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2 posters

Posts : 34
Join date : 2009-09-16

older travellers Empty
PostSubject: older travellers   older travellers EmptyFri Sep 18, 2009 6:47 am

my nan used ta say that her uncle john usd 2 have no wife or child but was a VERY good friend with a buffer man named james. always used to think that they were gay as with the way she talked they more or less always together huntin drinkin jobs. anyone else know or think they may of known older gay travellers? tho its hard not to think theyy did not get marrid as we get marrid young now but youngr then!

anyone got any?

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Posts : 41
Join date : 2009-09-23

older travellers Empty
PostSubject: Re: older travellers   older travellers EmptyFri Sep 25, 2009 11:06 am

Time changez but people dont. Theres always bein gays. There always wil be. Travellers are no exceptin. I think so anyways
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older travellers
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