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 Any prayers for the dead in Kant?

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2 posters

Posts : 41
Join date : 2009-09-23

Any prayers for the dead in Kant? Empty
PostSubject: Any prayers for the dead in Kant?   Any prayers for the dead in Kant? EmptySat Oct 17, 2009 4:29 pm

Got any? Id much appreciate it as i wnt to be able to say a prayer for my old people now and then
Thank you
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Posts : 34
Join date : 2009-09-16

Any prayers for the dead in Kant? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any prayers for the dead in Kant?   Any prayers for the dead in Kant? EmptySat Oct 24, 2009 6:23 pm

Borrowed from a friend...

Prayer for the Dead
Stafari a e Tharsp

In a culture like our own where much of a persons sense of self identity is bound within the ties of lineage and ancestral heritage, a prayer for those that have come before us seems most appropriate as well as an act of honouring the trials and triumphs of those that carved with grit and bare feet the path in which we travel.

Blessings to you, my ancestors and kindred many,
you whose breath I now breathe,
you whose bodies are mingled with the most sacred soil,
you of my bloodline...

May God bless you all.
Those remembered and those forgotten,
those names still spoken and those long gone silent...
May god bless you all.


Mun'ia tu hu, mo kris ains and tribli,
hu'y whisk mwi'l min'urt whiskart,
hu'y marks sud gye in mun'ia ladu,
hu na mo liba skai

Mah Dhalyan mun'ia hu goiyil
L'art d'arelallan ang a larg,
whu monniker a greskod ang a stafa gredi sacanta...
Mah Dhalyan mun'ia hu goiyil.

Staish Amen.

I hope this helps
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Any prayers for the dead in Kant?
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