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LGBT Pavee Support Group

A forum for LGBTQ members of the Irish Travelling and Roma Community, those that support there right of expression and wish to construct a way to mediate between the community, culture and sexual identity.Feel free to chat, commune, seek and give advice.
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 Magazine article on gay travellers

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Join date : 2012-03-29

Magazine article on gay travellers Empty
PostSubject: Magazine article on gay travellers   Magazine article on gay travellers EmptySat Apr 07, 2012 6:58 am

Hello, DIVA magazine is a monthly lifestyle magazine aimed at gay and bi women in the UK. We are looking to do an article about lesbian travellers. Mainly about any issues they have faced, what it has been like coming out in their communities, how are gay people viewed generally by the travelling community. We have struggled so far to find any lesbian travellers willing to talk to us, if there is anyone out there willing to talk to us, or anyone knows of anyone who might be willing please get in contact by emailing or reply to the post. You don't necessarily have to be identified in the article if this is an issue for you. We are also looking for anyone who has worked with gay travellers or anyone who has knowledge of this subject.

Thank you!

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