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 words that annoy you

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Sroidʹan lask
Sroidʹan lask

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words that annoy you Empty
PostSubject: words that annoy you   words that annoy you EmptyMon Mar 08, 2010 5:06 pm

This came up on another thread with 1of-dems play. READ IT!! Hehe and it got me thinking about startin a thread about what ever the raeson what are the words you dislike and maybe why do you dislike them?

Mine are:

Nacker. I have nothing to do with dead animals or horses and isnt used to identfy a job but as a racial marker. Iv heard the explanation that its nothin to do with travelers and that its also a word given to people you just dislike or look down on. I think this is just as wrong besides i think most would agree that it originated as a curse word in relation to travellers so using it only keeps that like alive regardlas of how it changes.
Tinker. Same as above plus it makes small a great skill by usualy throwin it in along with ignorant and dirty. Very rarely used proparly so mostly just anoys me.
Jesus. Well when its used as a cruse word. I use it myself some times and try to fix it. I thinik its very disrepectful to people who believe in it all. Especially someone like my grany.
Whore. I mean really are we still at this stage that we call any woman a whore for lookin at a man yet us guys can have our way till the cows come home.
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. I dont actually dislike this word just thought id add it as its the longest word in the dictionary and id havent a hope of getting it right without google! haha
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PostSubject: Re: words that annoy you   words that annoy you EmptyMon Mar 08, 2010 5:55 pm

i agree with everything you said above guiney.
but in the defence of my work,, its creative and provocative. it was the aim of the play and im glad its been taken up on.
i use derogatory terminology with all 3 main characters. where you found the word tinker upsetting , some others might find the word yuppie upsetting.

the play is set around a prison enviournment, and each characther was sentenced for a crime that is stereotypical synonomis with there background, fraud for yuppie, drugs for townie and fighting with the traveller.

its a play that uses all the stereotypes associated aith all three groups.

and i use words like tinker for the simple reason that the word is still used, derogatory or other.

decided to post my reply here in regards your post on the play thread..

anyway act 3 will be up tomorrow,,you can see how it pans out..

ps,,i hate the words knacker, tinker, whore, not bothered about "jesus", faggot, queer,arse bandit, bum boy, handicap, bastard, cunt, retard, mink, cream cracker, lol,, this list is not exhausted...
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Sroidʹan lask
Sroidʹan lask

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Age : 32
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words that annoy you Empty
PostSubject: Re: words that annoy you   words that annoy you EmptyMon Mar 08, 2010 5:59 pm

Oh I know made referenc to it in my post in the poetry section no offense of any kind intended was jsut thinkin about it when it came up and someone else cant remember who also mentioned not liking a word the last few days so i thought id start a topic on it Smile

ill think ill add the word handicap to my list too. Just annoyin
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Posts : 105
Join date : 2010-02-14
Age : 39
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words that annoy you Empty
PostSubject: Re: words that annoy you   words that annoy you EmptyMon Mar 08, 2010 6:07 pm

i think its a great topic to start,,it will get us all used to knowing what people like or dislike being heard.,.
constructive criticism is always welcome guiney.,
thanks Very Happy
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