In elder Ireland most aspects of the Irish community lived within a social structures lacking the written records and developed chronicles of the land, it's people, history and lore.
In this time of deprivation the position of the bard and storyteller was both a viable financial position of sustenance as well as a vital chain in the group memory. To a large degree such a position dictated and guided the social progression and perceptions of the past.
With the transient position of the Irish Traveller Pavee's journey though out the country, they had through the virtue of movement the ability to gain many insights, stories, lore and local knowledge from the areas in which they visited. This provided them with a unique insight into the workings and ways of the country, as well as being a nexus for information, custom and lore.
This is the very same situation that also provided the Irish Pavee with a platform to provide more mundane news and information to the larger community that they encountered as well as share the highly revered ability to make music... so do you play anything?
Most of the family play something and my mother has a good voice. I can play a good tune on the Tin Whistle and have my fore mentioned clapping ability (lol) as a fall back if I get carried away with the Heineken.
What about you?