I'm a part of a Dublin Transgender group and last week the topic of transgender Travellers came up. Now, I have to be honest people there dont know I'm a Traveller, not because I'm hiding it but because I'm not yet comfortable with talking about that with them....yet. As having to possibly challenge some sterotypes or defend the community is something we've all taken part in and I don't want that to shadow the progress I feel we are making.
Any ways as I was saying the topic of Transgender Travellers came up and to be honest I was shocked at the support I heard there. There is a lot of understanding and acknoledgement of the challenges we all face as well as the isolation that's very much a part of our lives at times.
Our lgbt pavee group is not only noticed but it's very much an important part of the whole lgbt pride and strive for equality and freedom. We are those that must not be left behind as if we are then no one really makes any progress.
I know I've only met a handful of you here but I want to say I love you all very much. Even though we may not know one another I love you. I love your courage. Your hope. Your want for change. I love that you keep the good fight going that your not just walking away into the shadows. That you are in your own way and time, making it forward to the light of of your very own rainbow.
Never give up, never surrender and despite it all, never stop being proud as you know what, your f*cking amazing!