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 So okay, I did it. I changed my name.

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Posts : 47
Join date : 2009-10-23

So okay, I did it. I changed my name. Empty
PostSubject: So okay, I did it. I changed my name.   So okay, I did it. I changed my name. EmptyMon Oct 11, 2010 1:42 pm

Last week, without anyone else knowing I offically changed my name. For me it's a huge personal step forward. I kept my surname as I love it and although my first name was wrong for me its a part of who I am and where I came from that I cant let it go. And don't want too either.

I don't have much contact with my family or other pavees these days which I guess although awful in a way made it all easier. In case anyone else is in the situation this is how you can change your name (if you want too) I guess though not many pavess have, seeing as the family name and all that comes with it is either very important or throw at us as being so.

You need two things:
1- Your deed poll saying you drop your old name and 100% assume the new one. It needs to be enrolled at the courts' Deed Poll Section in Central Office of the High Court.
2- You need someone to testify by affidavit that you have signed the deed poll in their presence. That need to be done in front of the Commissioner for Oaths or practising solicitors.

To enroll the deed poll you need to have an affidavit from someone saying you signed it before them, and you need to pay a fee.

So when you go to the Commissioner for Oaths or practising solicitors, you just need to bring your friend with you, and the affidavit.
You also need to bring the deed poll itself.
The Commissioner for Oaths or practising solicitors will sign/stamp the affidavit after checking both your ID cards, and making a copy of the deed poll.
The affidavit must be signed on same day or after the deedpoll...
Soem sollicitors will do it for free, some will charge 5 to 20 euro.

So when you go to the Commissioner for Oaths or practising solicitors, do not ask them to deal with "a deed poll". Just tell tell you have a deed poll and you need to validate the affidavit signed by your friend.

Then you go with the affidavit and deed poll to the 4 courts's Deed Poll Section
in Central Office of the High Court, and get them to tell you it is all in order.

Then you go to the 4 courts' stamp office to get it stamped after paying the fee. You go back to the 4 courts admin office and they will enter your deed poll in. They will call you after 2 weeks to tell thel it is OK to collect it.

Things to remember:
- The deed poll forms must have been collected by you in person before completing it. Do not rely on a template given by someone else. The 4 court's admin office will tell you how to fill it in for your specific case, but also what spaces on the paper must remain blank to leave space for the stamps. The fee stamp from the fee office, and then the 4 courts' admin office stamp. They are very picky on where the stamps go.
- You must bring back the deep poll and affidavit in person too.
- you must collect it in person.

If you cannot do it in person, you can:
- Get a sollicitor to do it on your behalf (an pay over the odds for something you can do yourself)
- Get a friend to do it if you agree with the 4 court's office that they alloz it. You need to sign a letter giving them the power to do it for you. I would not advise it as they can just change their mind about it...

1- Courts's Deed Poll Section in Central Office of the High Court to get the template and directions; Come with all docs you may need and copies: ID; birth cert, etc. Too much better than not enough.
2- Buy deed paper, print poll, sign;
3- Get friend to sign affidavit and come with you to Commisioner for Oath et al;
4- Bring all documents advised in 1-, along with deed poll and affidavit
5- Check with courts's Deed Poll Section in Central Office of the High Court that all is good
6- Go to fee office to pay for stamp and get it stamped. Check first with courts's Deed Poll Section in Central Office of the High Court where the stamp need to be, so it leaves space for enrollement's stamp... Insist with stamp office they stamp it where advised.
7- Go back to courts's Deed Poll Section in Central Office of the High Court. Give them all they need, and give your email, mobile phone so they can call you back after 2 weeks
8- Come back when called in 2 weeks or call them to check after 3 weeks if they did not call
9- You now have a new real name, and are legally forbidden from ever using the birth name again

Be aware that in step 1 or 7, the officer may refuse to enroll a name if they feel it is not justified; just like some names can be refused when parents register a new birth, if the name is problematic. Be ready to argue your case in a calm and reasoned way.

Mine was no problem. I even went in androgenous which I was worried about but no, it was all okay. In about a week I should get the papers back and get to put forward for my first ever real me passport.
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Posts : 106
Join date : 2009-10-06

So okay, I did it. I changed my name. Empty
PostSubject: Re: So okay, I did it. I changed my name.   So okay, I did it. I changed my name. EmptyMon Oct 11, 2010 3:32 pm

WOW Casey thats fantastic, congratulations on the name change and happy name day. delighted you shared how it was done too, would have never figured it not straight forward. keep being you ms x
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Posts : 27
Join date : 2009-09-23
Location : Galway

So okay, I did it. I changed my name. Empty
PostSubject: Re: So okay, I did it. I changed my name.   So okay, I did it. I changed my name. EmptyTue Oct 12, 2010 2:07 pm

God that must be such a big step forward.

Congratulations on taking it and I hope everything keeps working out well

Just realising how big surnames are to us (well, the community really) what a brave step to take casey. I hope your proud
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So okay, I did it. I changed my name. Empty
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