Looking at the forum I think its quite interesting at the range of people already on here. And so far people aren't what I expected so much so its got me thinking about stereotypes, how they change and what, according to general social views were supposed to be like.
Traveller stereotypes:
Dirty, uneducated, beg, steal, higher regards for horses then children etc
Newer Traveller stereotypes:
Sun bed fanatics, large earrings, transit vans, unemployed etc
Gay and lesbian stereotypes:
Effeminate males, “butch” females, fashion savvy, lisp, promiscuous, men haters etc
For me being a Gay Traveller in the city is something of two halves (I can only imagine what it's like for people living in the countryside). While I can find people and moments of deep and genuine acceptance I often find myself having to face the presence of stereotypes and there consequences (and sadly at times my own misconceptions).
Though I wonder if this can work in our advantage (?). Being in general ignored from traveller information and overlooked by most gay and lesbian support groups the ideas of what a gay traveller doesn't seem to of set yet. So hopefully we can change it.
Looking at the list above it's not looking good is it. So I'm wondering why do you think we use stereotypes? Are they useful? Do they in their own way represent the truth? Or is it all just misinformation for the ignorant? Or is it just easier to believe then ask these questions?