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 mindful decisions around mindless narcotics.

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Join date : 2009-10-06

mindful decisions around mindless narcotics. Empty
PostSubject: mindful decisions around mindless narcotics.   mindful decisions around mindless narcotics. EmptySat Feb 20, 2010 12:41 pm

it seem's too me that more and more lately there,s new stories ran in the papers and new's about the latest drug seizure. It seem's the latest trend is the high obtained from "headshop's" on almost every street corner offering low cost drugs designed with legal herb's that are drawing in an ever younger group within society.
I.m no virgin too drugs as i've tried hash in the past but I think there should be a section on the main site or this forum telling the dangers of drugs and just how addictive they are.
Has anyone else tried anything other than hash or does it seem i.m bein a prude?
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Age : 39
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mindful decisions around mindless narcotics. Empty
PostSubject: Re: mindful decisions around mindless narcotics.   mindful decisions around mindless narcotics. EmptySun Feb 21, 2010 9:56 am

i find that the fact the legal highs are legal makes it easier for people to be addicted to a drug, just because something is legal does not make it ok or acceptable.cigarettes for example,,for years they were advertised as something to relax you,,only to find later that they have a dangerous affect on people..sooner or later light will be shed on the dangers of herbal highs..i dont care what people do in there spare time or when their partying, but there is the whole thing about protecting younger people from a life of drugs,,what example is beig made for them,when drugs are sold legally,,just a i tried some of the herbal stuff,,,horrible...
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Posts : 47
Join date : 2009-10-23

mindful decisions around mindless narcotics. Empty
PostSubject: Re: mindful decisions around mindless narcotics.   mindful decisions around mindless narcotics. EmptySun Feb 21, 2010 10:55 am

Having a drug awareness section sounds great and obviously needed especially as the gay scene never mind the general one has a lot of drugs in it. being ignorant of the dangers sadly does not make us immune to then. people will do what they want but at least itl be with expectation and a understanding of what there at. a few yrs back i tried hash, at the time i was having major issues with my gender and seeing as hash wasnt too bad to me i tried harder stuff. it majorly messed me up and rotted me inside. the choice is ours but theres no escapin some of there prices.
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Join date : 2009-09-16

mindful decisions around mindless narcotics. Empty
PostSubject: Re: mindful decisions around mindless narcotics.   mindful decisions around mindless narcotics. EmptyMon Feb 22, 2010 2:36 pm

I'm definitely a prude and I have no problems keeping it that way Smile with all those head shops burning down I wonder will our attitudes change with them? Our community has always being a guarded one in which people take care of each other and keep an eye on what's happening. Drugs and getting lost in the larger picture is changing that and as casey said all this has a price.

What a complicated people we are, a world so alive with wonder and yet we get bored.

Paveeprince: Any idea on the section? What would you like to see in it?
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Join date : 2009-10-06

mindful decisions around mindless narcotics. Empty
PostSubject: Re: mindful decisions around mindless narcotics.   mindful decisions around mindless narcotics. EmptyTue Feb 23, 2010 1:24 am

just more information on what drugs are prince, as casey said people will do what they want but give them an expectation. Drugs are drugs weather legal yet or not, i.m sure we all know a family affected by them where as only a few years back a traveller on hard drugs would be the talk of ireland
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Posts : 47
Join date : 2009-11-26

mindful decisions around mindless narcotics. Empty
PostSubject: Re: mindful decisions around mindless narcotics.   mindful decisions around mindless narcotics. EmptySun Mar 07, 2010 10:39 am

id be more drink then drugs as I know id get lost in it getting very common
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