Would you like to work on issues that matter to you and your community?
The National Lesbian and Gay Federation (NLGF) which is a registered charity and limited company has a board remit of promoting the rights and welfare of LGBT people.
Currently it oversees GCN (see
www.gcn.ie for reference) as well as working across a wide range of areas in public policy development and equal rights.
The NLGF Board is expanding to support these initiatives and to develop new ways of advancing the key issues of importance identified in the Burning Issues survey of the LGBT community in Ireland in 2010.
As a developing group and community we very much need a person in a position of influence and insight in order to draw the attention to the challenges we experience on an almost daily occurrence.
Along with highlighting this challenge as members of a minority all to often neglected and overlooked by the majority having a pavee voice on such a board would not only be an historical act but one of progression and empowerment.
If you are interested in being a board member please contact me though PM for the relevant information.