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LGBT Pavee Support Group

A forum for LGBTQ members of the Irish Travelling and Roma Community, those that support there right of expression and wish to construct a way to mediate between the community, culture and sexual identity.Feel free to chat, commune, seek and give advice.
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 i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out

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5 posters

Posts : 17
Join date : 2010-02-24
Age : 36
Location : buncrana near derry

i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out Empty
PostSubject: i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out   i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out EmptyFri Apr 30, 2010 6:35 am

hi there every one i just want to let you know it not as hard as you think coming out as gay .cause i have done it i now have my own place.i"m very happy mind and body very free no worrys no more i can sleep easy now and restful.its great to get it off your back.dont have no fear dont let fear take you over when you want to do it if you can"t do it by face to face lave a letter or by phone it will be a shock first to them but it will get easy .as you no i was marreid with 3 children lol! Laughing .get back to me i"m looking for nice boyfriand
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Join date : 2009-12-21

i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out Empty
PostSubject: Re: i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out   i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out EmptyMon May 03, 2010 9:07 am

hard im sure but it with that post really sounds like its worth it Smile well done and i hope your in a happy and honest place in your life
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Join date : 2010-05-04

i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out Empty
PostSubject: Re: i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out   i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out EmptyTue May 04, 2010 6:48 am

congratulations Michael , it is really good to hear that you had such a good experience. However as someone who has worked with married men over the years it is not always so smooth a process comming out to your wife (and or kids). individual experiences vary and what one person find easy another may find very difficult.
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Sroidʹan lask
Sroidʹan lask

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Age : 32
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i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out Empty
PostSubject: Re: i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out   i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out EmptyTue May 04, 2010 6:57 am

Welcome to the forum gay cork project Smile
Totally agree everyones coming out is unique and I can only but imagine the struggles some people go through, before, during and after the coming out process never mind those that choose not to (for what ever reasons true to them) so well done mr!!
I read some of your other posts and I hope you took people up on the offers given and maybe catch up with ya over msn later Smile
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Posts : 47
Join date : 2009-11-26

i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out Empty
PostSubject: Re: i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out   i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out EmptyTue May 04, 2010 7:18 am

well done mikey! as ya know im in the middle of itmyself so i hear ya! its hard going but if its somethin tat best suports yar future then power to ya! not something i can see myself folowing thro with tho. great to have ye as a base tho. ever take up the option of counseling? going to sats meeting? welcome to ya cork!
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i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out Empty
PostSubject: Re: i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out   i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out Empty

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i juust want to let every married or single man its as hard as you think coming out
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